
How to Verify & Validate an Email Address Before Sending Cold Emails


Email verification is a process that checks and authenticates email addresses on your list.

  1. The validity of the email addresses.
  2. Increased chances of connecting with real email accounts. Make sure that email is real, also Make sure that email is real

Why Email Verification Matters

  1. Avoid Email Bounce Rates

High bounce rates can damage your email account’s credibility and domain reputation. In the worst case, you might end up on spam lists, blocked by email service providers (ESPs). Verifying your email list helps filter out bad contacts, reducing bounce rates and keeping you off spam lists.

  1. Ensure Email Reputation and Deliverability

Your email account has a reputation score that affects how trustworthy you appear as a sender. Sending emails to invalid accounts can quickly lower this score, risking your account suspension. Verification ensures your emails reach the right recipients, boosting your deliverability and reputation.


  1. Refine Your Email List

Sending emails to invalid addresses results in high bounce rates and wasted effort. Verification weeds out inactive addresses, ensuring your messages reach the right people. This helps you focus on prospects who are likely to engage.

  1. Minimize Spam Complaints

Sending emails to unverified addresses can result in spam complaints. Verification identifies and removes risky accounts, ensuring you only email engaged recipients who want to hear from you.

  1. Improve Outreach Efforts

With a verified email list, your outreach becomes more effective. You can connect with engaged individuals more likely to respond, leading to better conversion rates and engagement.

When to Verify an Email List

To avoid higher bounces and account suspensions, verify your email addresses at these times:

  1. When You Have a New Email List

Before launching a campaign with a new list, verify it to ensure it’s clean and valid.

  1. When Bounce Rates Increase

If your bounce rate rises, it’s a sign to reassess your email contacts and remove invalid ones.

  1. Periodically

Email lists degrade over time. Verify your list every three months or at least twice a year to keep it accurate.

How to Verify Email Addresses

  1. Using an Outreach Tool

Some email outreach tools, like Saleshandy, offer email verification features. This simplifies the process by verifying emails directly within the tool.

  1. Checking Email Syntax

Manually review email addresses for typographical and syntax errors.

  1. Sending Test Emails

Send emails from a secondary account to verify deliverability.

  1. Pinging the Server

Use tools like PuTTY for Windows or iTerm for Mac to ping the email server and verify addresses.

  1. DNS Lookup

Use tools like MXToolbox to check the DNS records for email servers.

  1. IP Address Lookup

Verify that email addresses are linked to valid, functioning domains.

  1. Using an Email Verification Tool

Tools like Saleshandy Connect can automate the verification process, saving time and effort.

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